DOJ Charges Transnational Terrorist Group Leaders with Conspiracy to Commit Violent Hate Crimes

Alleges the “Terrorgram Collective” used social media to solicit racial violence.

The Department of Justice (DOJ) announced charges this week against two leaders of “The Terrorgram Collective,” a group of white supremacists circulating violent material on the social media app Telegram. 

The two leaders, Dallas Humber and Matthew Allison, created and spread a document online that outlined their ideology and exactly how to carry out terrorist attacks against people in the Black, Jewish, LGBTQ communities as well as immigrants. Another document contained instructions to build bombs and even offered a list of “high-value” targets that were seen as enemies of white supremacy, including a U.S. senator and a federal judge.

“The defendants are charged with actually soliciting hate crimes, not abstract advocacy or wishful thinking,” said Assistant Attorney General Kristen Clarke of the DOJ’s Civil Rights Division. “This indictment reflects the department’s response to the new technological face of white supremacist violence as those seeking mass violence expand their reach online to encourage, solicit, and facilitate terrorist activities.”

As the Lord Leads, Pray with Us…

  • For discernment for Assistant Attorney General Clarke as she heads the DOJ’s Civil Rights Division. .
  • For federal law enforcement officials as they investigate terrorist groups and pursue charges against those promoting violence.

Sources: Reuters, CBS News, Justice Department


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